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Activated Little Millet Flour 500g



Activated Little Millet Flour

The soaking process of the unpolished little millet grains activates the otherwise dormant grains – several changes occur due to the absorption of water and the initiation of various biochemical processes. Here are the key changes you can observe in soaked seeds and grains:

  1. Enzyme Activation:
    • Unpolished millets contain dormant enzymes that become active during soaking. These enzymes play a crucial role in breaking down complex compounds within the seed, making nutrients more accessible and aiding in the digestion of the seed itself.
  2. Release of Enzyme Inhibitors:
    • Enzyme inhibitors present in raw millets are often released during soaking. These inhibitors can interfere with digestion and nutrient absorption. Releasing them through soaking makes the seeds more digestible.
  3. Reduction of Anti-Nutrients:
    • Anti-nutrients, such as phytic acid, are compounds that can bind to minerals and reduce their absorption. Soaking seeds helps to reduce the levels of anti-nutrients, enhancing the bioavailability of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron.
  4. Activation of Nutrient Release:
    • Soaking initiates the breakdown of complex carbohydrates and proteins into simpler forms. This process makes nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, more accessible for absorption by the body.
  5. Increased Water-Soluble Vitamin Content:
    • Soaking can increase the water-soluble vitamin content in seeds. For instance, vitamin C levels may rise as a result of soaking, contributing to the overall nutritional value.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


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