Foxtail Millet 500g


Foxtail millet is an excellent dietary source of calcium, copper, iron, manganese, and methionine. It helps to keep the body strong and immune. It controls blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is diabetic friendly and gluten free. Millets have been cultivated from pre-historic times and is one of the world’s earliest food plants used by humans.

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Foxtail millet is an excellent dietary source of calcium, copper, iron, manganese, and methionine. It helps to keep the body strong and immune. It controls blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is diabetic friendly and gluten free. Millets have been cultivated from pre-historic times and is one of the world’s earliest food plants used by humans. It is naturally gluten free and is non-acid forming. Millets are alkalizing foods which helps in preventing chronic diseases.Foxtail millet is an excellent dietary source of calcium, iron, manganese, and methionine.

English : italian millet/Foxtail millet, Bengali : kaon, Gujarati : kang, Hindi : kakum, Kannada : navane, Marathi : kang, rala, Oriya : kanghu, kangam, Kora, Punjabi : kangni, Tamil : tenai, Telugu : korra

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